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my twisted thoughts
The CM Of Sabah Musa Aman Should Be Tried For Treason!
An oil producing offshore area, Block M and Block L belonging to Sabah near Brunei in the South China Sea is no longer a part of Sabah. It now belongs to Brunei. This Block M and Block L is close to 6000 square kilometers in size, which is like 10 times the size of Singapore. Both the blocks can produce 1 billion barrels of oil or US$100 billion in revenue and it belongs to Sabah.
Our Chief Minister from Sabah, Musa Aman together with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi negotiated with the Sultan of Brunei to get back Limbang for Sarawak, in exchange they agreed to surrender this Block M and Block L belonging to Sabah. Can you believe this? Yes, Musa Aman with Badawi, on march 17th, 2009 in Brunei, had signed away US100 billion dollars of oil to the Sultan of Brunei.
And this was not brought up at all by Musa Aman to the Sabah State Legislative Assembly. More importantly by giving up the Blocks L and M, both Musa Aman and Pak Lah were altering the boundaries to Sabah, and the Constitution under Clause 2 (b) provides that this will require the consent of the state and as well as the Conference of Rulers.
To give away or demarcate boundaries of Borneo States, Badawi must first consult Parliament, then under the Federation Agreement with Sabah, Badawi must ask Musa Aman to convene an emergency sitting of the Sabah State Legislative Assembly and then take a vote in the State Assembly. Musa Aman did not just do that. Musa Aman concealed this whole thing, Brunei, Block M and Block L from Sabahans. This Musa Aman, did not bring this matter to the State Assembly at all and why was he hiding this from Sabahans? Musa Aman owes Sabahans and explanation.
Besides, only if Sabah had cleared this matter in the assembly, then only, can this be brought to the Agong for a royal consent to the demarcation of the new boundaries. The Conference of Rulers MUST also agree and that too has to come BEFORE the signing of the Agreement with Brunei. But they did not.
Then why was Pak Lah and Musa Aman in a hurry to sign the Agreement with the Sultan? Why the rush? Pak Lah says he has got the approval from his Cabinet and so everything is in order. But is this true? Was the process done constitutionally, as per the Federation Agreement?
To me this is like TREASON! Musa Aman should be charged for Treason for concealing, hiding or aiding the crime of TREASON. Musa Aman concealed this action from the Sabah State Assembly, and for any public servant To conceal, hide, or aid the crime of TREASON is to be guilty of the same offence.
The facts are :
1. Malaysia, Sabah no longer has any sovereignty over the 2 areas i.e Block L and Block M.
2. Malaysian oil companies can only participate in jointly developing the areas for 40 years (with Brunei’s permission).
3. Limbang remains a disputed area with Brunei.
2. Malaysian oil companies can only participate in jointly developing the areas for 40 years (with Brunei’s permission).
3. Limbang remains a disputed area with Brunei.
I stand by my opinion that Musa Aman and Abdullah Badawi should be tried for Treachery and TREASON for losing territory belonging to Sabah, Malaysia.
Then if the KL boys were to say that the Blocks L & M are not within the Sabah State waters and therefore under the purview of the Federal Government, then I will say, why this not brought to Parliament, and to The Agong, and then to the Conference of Rulers, as we are altering the boundaries of the federation?
Explain lah! Dato’ Sri Anifah bin Haji Aman, the Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs the brother of Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman please explain? You and your brother claim fighting for Sabah’s rights, show us lah!

I remember during Mahathir’s time the Federal government was trying to sell
part of Limbang to the Sultanate of Brunei behind close doors. Somehow
the news leaked. There was so much opposition from all quarters during that period of time that the Federal government had no choice but to abort the deal. Never cross my mind, that while everyone one was watching Limbang so
closely there was another deal which was struck right under our noses.
This time it was a territory belonging to Sabah and not Sarawak and the beneficiary Brunei. An age-old conspiracy was being consummated right
under our nose.
part of Limbang to the Sultanate of Brunei behind close doors. Somehow
the news leaked. There was so much opposition from all quarters during that period of time that the Federal government had no choice but to abort the deal. Never cross my mind, that while everyone one was watching Limbang so
closely there was another deal which was struck right under our noses.
This time it was a territory belonging to Sabah and not Sarawak and the beneficiary Brunei. An age-old conspiracy was being consummated right
under our nose.
See Map below. Block L and Block M belongs to Sabah, Malaysia.
On September 28th, 2003, there was a production sharing contract for
Block L and Block M between U S based Murphy Oil Corp and our
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd for 250,000-300,000 bpd with a life span of
between 15 to 20 years.
Block L and Block M between U S based Murphy Oil Corp and our
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd for 250,000-300,000 bpd with a life span of
between 15 to 20 years.
But on Wednesday April 21, 2010, Murphy Oil Corp on its website said Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) has terminated the production sharing
contracts for Blocks L and M as they “are no longer a part of Malaysia”.
contracts for Blocks L and M as they “are no longer a part of Malaysia”.
It seems Murphy Oil Corp was informed by Petronas following the
execution of the exchange of letters between Malaysia and Brunei on March 16, 2009, that the offshore exploration areas designated as Block L and Block M
were no longer a part of Malaysia.
execution of the exchange of letters between Malaysia and Brunei on March 16, 2009, that the offshore exploration areas designated as Block L and Block M
were no longer a part of Malaysia.
“As a consequence, the production sharing contracts covering Blocks L and M, awarded in 2003 to Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd and Murphy, were formally terminated by letter dated April 7, 2010,” Murphy Oil Corp said.

Wow, how did this happen? How come the Federal Government can give
away its territory without the knowledge of its citizens. Can they do it?
These two blocks Block M and Block L is close to 6000 square Kilometers.
These two blocks can produce 250,000-300,000 bpd and has a life span of between 15 to 20 years. This works out to RM1.19 billion a year and RM17.85 billion over the lifespan of these two blocks.
This works out to USD20.5 million or RM65.6 million per day in revenue!
away its territory without the knowledge of its citizens. Can they do it?
These two blocks Block M and Block L is close to 6000 square Kilometers.
These two blocks can produce 250,000-300,000 bpd and has a life span of between 15 to 20 years. This works out to RM1.19 billion a year and RM17.85 billion over the lifespan of these two blocks.
This works out to USD20.5 million or RM65.6 million per day in revenue!
With oil royalty for Sabah at 5%, this means Sabah will lose out
RM3.28 million a day.
RM3.28 million a day.
I am truly shocked. What is actually happening here?
Is there a side deal between our politicians and the Brunei Sultanate?
Is there a side deal between our politicians and the Brunei Sultanate?
I hate to sound melodramatic but unfortunately the truth may be very bizarre.
I want to be wrong because if I am not, it means that the forces responsible
for the abuse of power, corruption and you name it, of the last 22 years
are still in charge.
I want to be wrong because if I am not, it means that the forces responsible
for the abuse of power, corruption and you name it, of the last 22 years
are still in charge.
What has Musa Aman The Chief Minister of Sabah got to say about this?
Come on Musa say something? Are you suffering from a strange fecklessness when it comes to UMNO and the Federal Government and Sabah’s oil?
Come on Musa say something? Are you suffering from a strange fecklessness when it comes to UMNO and the Federal Government and Sabah’s oil?
Read Here Murphy Oil Corp’s Termination of Contract For Block M and
Block L in Malaysia.
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Block L in Malaysia.
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Open Letters To President Obama#1, #2
Searching for the details of the "Prime Minister oaths taking" comes to nought, thus my own summary of the Prime Minister primary duty is to serve the King, Country and Rakyat. He had taken the oath to perform his solemn duty as the Prime Minister in front of the King and beamed by
live telecast throughout the country. Is it that hard to fulfill the oath taken?
It is not that hard for a Prime Minister to fulfill the oath taken if he is
a man with integrity, honesty and sincerity. But when a Prime Minister starts to involve his own political party and at times family members
into running his premiership, then it is a cause for concern.
When a Prime Minister feels insecure of his position, he becomes desperate and confused. His sense of direction is impeded with the
fear that others within his circle are clamouring and stabbing
him from behind to dislodge his premiership. The uprising of the
rakyat in the 12th GE tsunami indicates the hatred and distrust of
his party and with visible signs indicating the fall of his party
comes the 13th GE.
In order to enhance and protect his position, the Prime Minister has to spend most of his time concentrating on political matters instead of performing his duty as the Prime Minister. He has to pacify his own members, Ministers and malay NGOs over his national policies which are not readily accepted, plotting to overthrow States under the opposition rules, attending by elections ceramahs, using all his available power to discredit the growing strength of the oppositions including using the western media to chide the opposition leader.
A desperate Prime Minister, alleged to be carrying baggages, needs desperate move, thus, engaging a foreign PR to uplift his image without any concern at all by spending RM 77 millions plus more to come of the public fund.
Creating a "1Malaysia" which the Prime Minister described as,
“to make Malaysia ….a greater nation: a nation where, it is hoped, every Malaysian perceives himself or herself as Malaysian first, and by race, religion, geographical region or socio-economic background second and where the principles of 1Malaysia are woven into the economic, political and social fabric of society”
but back down on his own policy to support his Deputy's objection, claiming that Malay is always first and everything else second. Does this not show how desperate and confused the Prime Minister is?
Getting the foreign PR to lobby for a meet with President Obama, which a minister acknowledged paying a whopping
US$24,207,158 (RM76,820,653) but making a U-turn, (the norm by Malaysian leaders), a week
later denying any money spent in securing the meet.
The Prime Minister got bold by claiming that he is equals to President Obama. If the claim by the Prime Minister is true, then, he must
also be the most powerful leader on earth, other countries will
lobby to meet him and Malaysia is now in the G8 league with
veto power. How desperate and confused can a man be to claim
what he is not. And to add to his desperation and confusion,
his wife is now the "First Lady" side stepping the Agong's wife,
the rightful "First Lady", if there is any such title in Malaysia.
Back home, the Prime Minister gets more desperate and confused.
With questionable performances by the pdrm, macc, judiciary and his ministers contradicting his policies, the Prime Minister "1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme" (GTP) and NEM are now
hanging in limbo.
What the Prime Minister is trying to do now in order to salvage his
political future and his own party is by throwing money around
using "the public fund". He talks about eliminating corruptions and entrusted upon the MACC to work on it but he takes a different
route from his talk. He knows the MACC and EC will not dare
to touch him when he offered brides to the voters at the Hulu Selangor
by election.
"If BN wins this by election, you can come to my office tomorrow to collect the check, if lost, no need to come".
The Prime Minister wanted to be fair, transparent and accountable to the public but he is not willing to abolish the OSA. He call for a free press but he is not willing to abolish the Printing Presses and Publications Act instead allowing his family members to interfere in the media.
The slogans, rhetoric speeches, walk about by the Prime Minister since taking over the premiership a year ago are signs of fear, desperation and confusion. The Prime Minister is now in a
"taking a desperate confusing actions for fear of losing power" state of mind.
What prompted me to write this posting is the Prime Minister's latest desperate and confused statement as reported by Malaysiakini:
Najib tells Umno leaders to mix with other races
Barisan Nasional chairperson Najib Abdul Razak has ordered all BN leaders to attend activities organised by races other than their own in order to win support for the coalition....
The Prime Minister has yet to put his own house in order before asking his umno leaders to mix with other races.
The Prime Minister is talking as if he does not know the reasons why the non malays are abandoning umno/bn in drove.
How can umno leaders mix with other races when they insisted on the following:
They are Malay first
They are the Ketuanan Melayu, others are pendatang, beggars and prostitutes
NEP is to protect Malay rights
In collusion with racist malay NGO
Questioning the non malays right to the economy, educations, non malays are ungrateful and making other unsavoury statements.
Can the Prime Minister enact a law forbidding all kind of racism and abide by his 1Malaysia policy of every Malaysians are Malaysian First. Revamp the NEP to protect those Malays who are genuinely poor and in need of help.
The Prime Minister has not taken any serious look into how some of his leaders are so wealthy or whether any of them are corrupted. This I can say will not take place unless the Prime Minister himself has nothing to hide.
Spending millions upon millions to coax the voters back to umno/bn folds can only work with some gullible fence sitters and on a short term basis only. This cannot be termed as successful.
Only when the hardcore opposition supporters return to umno/bn can it be considered a success. In order to achieve that, the Prime Minister must be brave enough to implement genuine policies that are fair to all Malaysians and a revamped NEP for all poor Malaysians. Separation of powers for the PDRM, MACC and Judiciary, with man of integrity and honestly helm the top positions.
At the present moment, the Prime Minister is still thinking that he can buy over the voters, using his party owned media and the racist malay NGO to spread lies and fear over race and religion including singing the same old tune of May 13. How long can these actions last?
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Gov't may issue betting licence for World Cup
The government is studying the possibility of issuing football betting licences in view of the 2010 World Cup to prevent illegal betting and gaming activities from becoming rampant in the country.
Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek Hussein said if the licences were not issued to the applicants, such illegal activities would persist and become out of control.
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