Matahari Terbit Dari Barat Tanpa Disedari
Menurut seorang ahli psikologi, berdasarkan kepada penyelidikan lanjutan mengenai anomali (keluarbiasaan), menjelang 2012, sesuatu fenomena membimbangkan diramalkan akan berlaku.
Ramalan Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan (NASA) bahawa dalam beberapa tahun hadapan berkemungkinan berlaku perubahan pada kutub magnet bumi.
Walaupun sukar dipercayai, misalnya NASA mengatakan bahawa pada tahun 2001 bintang kita ‘matahari’, telah mengalami perubahan kutub tersebut.
Namun kerana jisim matahari seragam dan kita tidak tinggal di sana, manusia secara relatif tidak merasakan perubahan berkenaan.
Bumi diibaratkan sebutir telur yang mana kulit telur merupakan dataran dan lautan tempat kita berpijak manakala cairan telur adalah bahan larva logam cair sementara inti bumi adalah kuning telur yang merupakan logam padat pada suhu tinggi.
Inti bumi inilah yang memiliki medan magnet yang keluar dari Kutub Utara menuju Kutub Selatan yang dikenal dengan Sabuk Van Hallen.
Dalam beberapa dekad akan datang, dinyatakan Kutub Utara telah bergeser dalam darjah yang signifikan tetapi tidak dapat dipastikan bila berlakunya pergeseran di mana Kutub Utara menjadi Kutub Selatan.
Mungkin dalam beberapa tahun atau ratusan tahun akan datang.
Bukan bumi yang berputar, tapi inti bumi dan kerak bumi yang diisi oleh cairan, posisi inti dan kerak yang sebenarnya berputar seperti kuning telur berputar di dalam telur.
Jadi jika ini berlaku apakah kesan terhadap kehidupan di dunia?
Satu hal yang pasti adalah jarum kompas tidak akan lagi menunjuk ke arah utara tetapi ke kutub magnet Utara yang sudah berpindah di Selatan.
Adakah cuma jarum kompas berubah arah?
Senario paling buruk mungkin melibatkan gangguan magnetik yang boleh merosakkan peralatan elektronik, satelit, elektrik atau peranti teknologi lain.
Cuba fikirkan, apabila kutub magnetik Utara bumi ada di Selatan, dari mana Matahari akan terbit? -estidotmy
Will Sun rise from the West?
Further investigation of anomalies in 2012 arrived at a scientific verification of the most jarring: prediction of NASA that in the next few years there may be some changes in the Earth’s magnetic poles, which is thousands of years of cycles of the planets and stars.
Although hard to believe, as an example of NASA said that in 2001 our star “sun”, has undergone a change poles. However, because the mass of the sun is relatively uniform and we do not live there, then humans are relatively not feel this change.
As we know the earth can be likened to an egg which the eggshell is a land and sea where we stand, and liquid egg is volcanic material and molten metal core of the earth is egg yolk which is a high-temperature solid metal.
And this is what the earth’s core has a magnetic field that comes out of the north pole to south pole known as the Van Hallen belt. This magnetic field protects the earth from cosmic rays that allow the sun to walk with a normal life.
In recent decades declared the north pole has shifted in a significant degree, and no one can be sure when there was a shift of total North Pole becomes the South Pole. Could in a matter of years, or are still hundreds of years.
Not that the earth is rotating back, but because the earth’s core and crust filled by fluid, core position and the actual keraklah spin (like rotate in egg yolk was silent).
So what are the effects on life in this world? One thing that certainly is our compass needle will no longer pointed toward the north but to follow the North magnetic pole has moved in the South.
Just a compass needle to change direction? Probably. Worst scenario even a slight possibility of magnetic interference that can damage electronic equipment, satellites, power generation or other technological devices.
Ooh, so actually we do not have to worry about right? As predictions of solar storms in 2012, government efforts may be more to mitigate the damage to the GPS equipment and telecommunications facilities.
So we really do not need to worry? Try to think again, if the earth’s North magnetic pole is in the South, Where the Sun will rise? -amazingnotes
Matahari Terbit Dari Barat Tanpa Disedari

Ramalan Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan (NASA) bahawa dalam beberapa tahun hadapan berkemungkinan berlaku perubahan pada kutub magnet bumi.
Walaupun sukar dipercayai, misalnya NASA mengatakan bahawa pada tahun 2001 bintang kita ‘matahari’, telah mengalami perubahan kutub tersebut.
Namun kerana jisim matahari seragam dan kita tidak tinggal di sana, manusia secara relatif tidak merasakan perubahan berkenaan.
Bumi diibaratkan sebutir telur yang mana kulit telur merupakan dataran dan lautan tempat kita berpijak manakala cairan telur adalah bahan larva logam cair sementara inti bumi adalah kuning telur yang merupakan logam padat pada suhu tinggi.
Inti bumi inilah yang memiliki medan magnet yang keluar dari Kutub Utara menuju Kutub Selatan yang dikenal dengan Sabuk Van Hallen.
Dalam beberapa dekad akan datang, dinyatakan Kutub Utara telah bergeser dalam darjah yang signifikan tetapi tidak dapat dipastikan bila berlakunya pergeseran di mana Kutub Utara menjadi Kutub Selatan.
Mungkin dalam beberapa tahun atau ratusan tahun akan datang.
Bukan bumi yang berputar, tapi inti bumi dan kerak bumi yang diisi oleh cairan, posisi inti dan kerak yang sebenarnya berputar seperti kuning telur berputar di dalam telur.
Jadi jika ini berlaku apakah kesan terhadap kehidupan di dunia?
Satu hal yang pasti adalah jarum kompas tidak akan lagi menunjuk ke arah utara tetapi ke kutub magnet Utara yang sudah berpindah di Selatan.
Adakah cuma jarum kompas berubah arah?
Senario paling buruk mungkin melibatkan gangguan magnetik yang boleh merosakkan peralatan elektronik, satelit, elektrik atau peranti teknologi lain.
Cuba fikirkan, apabila kutub magnetik Utara bumi ada di Selatan, dari mana Matahari akan terbit? -estidotmy
Will Sun rise from the West?
Further investigation of anomalies in 2012 arrived at a scientific verification of the most jarring: prediction of NASA that in the next few years there may be some changes in the Earth’s magnetic poles, which is thousands of years of cycles of the planets and stars.
Although hard to believe, as an example of NASA said that in 2001 our star “sun”, has undergone a change poles. However, because the mass of the sun is relatively uniform and we do not live there, then humans are relatively not feel this change.
As we know the earth can be likened to an egg which the eggshell is a land and sea where we stand, and liquid egg is volcanic material and molten metal core of the earth is egg yolk which is a high-temperature solid metal.
And this is what the earth’s core has a magnetic field that comes out of the north pole to south pole known as the Van Hallen belt. This magnetic field protects the earth from cosmic rays that allow the sun to walk with a normal life.
In recent decades declared the north pole has shifted in a significant degree, and no one can be sure when there was a shift of total North Pole becomes the South Pole. Could in a matter of years, or are still hundreds of years.
Not that the earth is rotating back, but because the earth’s core and crust filled by fluid, core position and the actual keraklah spin (like rotate in egg yolk was silent).
So what are the effects on life in this world? One thing that certainly is our compass needle will no longer pointed toward the north but to follow the North magnetic pole has moved in the South.
Just a compass needle to change direction? Probably. Worst scenario even a slight possibility of magnetic interference that can damage electronic equipment, satellites, power generation or other technological devices.
Ooh, so actually we do not have to worry about right? As predictions of solar storms in 2012, government efforts may be more to mitigate the damage to the GPS equipment and telecommunications facilities.
So we really do not need to worry? Try to think again, if the earth’s North magnetic pole is in the South, Where the Sun will rise? -amazingnotes

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