Tpk said...
Dah ckp dari awal memang rentetan peristiwa sebelum persidangan 7 Mei tu dah langgar undg2 dan pelik sgt. Akhirnya jadi tragedi 7 Mei, skrg ni UBN dah pening...nak bubar DUN pening, tak bubar pening!! Kenapa? Aku pun tak larat nak cerita dah, byk laman blog dok bincang / bahas hal nie, salah satu kat The Scribe blog Dato' A Kadir Jasin. Aku tak larat nak taip balik,so aku copy & paste je. Berikut ialah arguement aku dlm blog dia, biasale AKJ ni anak Kedah org lama UMNO,org TDM, kita kena fahamle
Tpk said...
Petikan dari sumber
The judgement - regarding the 3 ADUNs (melompat) can still be appealed. I’m not sure whether that has been done, but if not, their position is still arguable pending final decision.
As for the 7 ADUNs, please make sure we really, clearly understand the fact that UMNO has applied for the wrong judgement / declaration and that was what they get from the courts. (it was just a token or “jaga hati” for the power that be).
“A declaration merely declares what the legal rights of the concerned parties are. A declaratory order HAS NO COERCIVE FORCE as such NOR DOES IT QUASH any decision which may have been taken by an administrative authority”.
The constitution clearly stated that any decision of the DUN, the Speaker (in his official capacity) and THE COMMITTEE and sub committee CANNOT BE CHALLENGED in the courts of law, the judges understand this.
Remember, the 7 ADUNs has been suspended by The Committee (Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan). Was it a joke when the courts declared that The Speaker does not have the authority to suspend the 7 ADUNs?? Off course he knew that, but The Committee does possess that kind of authority!! Further more, it is just a declaration with NO COERCIVE FORCE, not a “certiorary & mandamus” declaration. So? the suspension is still valid!!
When The Speaker ordered the 10 ADUNs out of the State Legislative Assembly (SLA), he was merely practising his rights as THE SPEAKER of the house, but they refused, since it would be disastrous for BN. If they leave the SLA, BN might not win the vote of no-confidence against DS Nizar with just 21 votes left. They knew this all along and that is why it's crucial to repalce The Speaker at all cost!!
DS Nizar is clearly a legitimate MB…a rightful MB...so? what of Zambry? Definitely he is the illegitimate MB, thus his line of Excos is illegitimate plus his government is illegal too. How can an illegitimate government convened the 7th May assembly? Ok, lets say that the Sultan approved for the assembly that day, what authority does that Pangkor ADUN (Zambry) had to request for that assembly? Can’t we see that all the event becomes illegal? rendering everything in the 7th May assembly illegal including the appointment of Ganesan!! The illegitimate speaker also cannot convened for the next SLA sitting. UMNO BN knows this very well, resulting to their reluctance to convene the SLA in the near future, even when they thought that they have the upper hand to table the motion to ousted DS Nizar through the vote of no-confidence.
Well, I think I don’t have to comment on whether who started the idea of “lompat melompat” because morally “lompat” is wrong but allowed by the constitution. PR never question that. The arguement is that the manner they “lompat”. These 3 ADUNs has been bought and have cases in courts. In future, can u accept IF the 31 MPs “lompat” to PR?
Care to read the views of others at :option= http://www.harakahdaily.net/bm/index.php/arkib-liputan-khas/index.php?com_content&task=view&id=20407&Itemid=1
If you are really sincere to try to understand what is the difference between DS Anwar’s theory of 16th Sept and the unethical moved by PM Najib to grab the power in Perak, please read this : http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/21974/84
Dah ckp dari awal memang rentetan peristiwa sebelum persidangan 7 Mei tu dah langgar undg2 dan pelik sgt. Akhirnya jadi tragedi 7 Mei, skrg ni UBN dah pening...nak bubar DUN pening, tak bubar pening!! Kenapa? Aku pun tak larat nak cerita dah, byk laman blog dok bincang / bahas hal nie, salah satu kat The Scribe blog Dato' A Kadir Jasin. Aku tak larat nak taip balik,so aku copy & paste je. Berikut ialah arguement aku dlm blog dia, biasale AKJ ni anak Kedah org lama UMNO,org TDM, kita kena fahamle
Tpk said...
Petikan dari sumber
The judgement - regarding the 3 ADUNs (melompat) can still be appealed. I’m not sure whether that has been done, but if not, their position is still arguable pending final decision.
As for the 7 ADUNs, please make sure we really, clearly understand the fact that UMNO has applied for the wrong judgement / declaration and that was what they get from the courts. (it was just a token or “jaga hati” for the power that be).
“A declaration merely declares what the legal rights of the concerned parties are. A declaratory order HAS NO COERCIVE FORCE as such NOR DOES IT QUASH any decision which may have been taken by an administrative authority”.
The constitution clearly stated that any decision of the DUN, the Speaker (in his official capacity) and THE COMMITTEE and sub committee CANNOT BE CHALLENGED in the courts of law, the judges understand this.
Remember, the 7 ADUNs has been suspended by The Committee (Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan). Was it a joke when the courts declared that The Speaker does not have the authority to suspend the 7 ADUNs?? Off course he knew that, but The Committee does possess that kind of authority!! Further more, it is just a declaration with NO COERCIVE FORCE, not a “certiorary & mandamus” declaration. So? the suspension is still valid!!
When The Speaker ordered the 10 ADUNs out of the State Legislative Assembly (SLA), he was merely practising his rights as THE SPEAKER of the house, but they refused, since it would be disastrous for BN. If they leave the SLA, BN might not win the vote of no-confidence against DS Nizar with just 21 votes left. They knew this all along and that is why it's crucial to repalce The Speaker at all cost!!
DS Nizar is clearly a legitimate MB…a rightful MB...so? what of Zambry? Definitely he is the illegitimate MB, thus his line of Excos is illegitimate plus his government is illegal too. How can an illegitimate government convened the 7th May assembly? Ok, lets say that the Sultan approved for the assembly that day, what authority does that Pangkor ADUN (Zambry) had to request for that assembly? Can’t we see that all the event becomes illegal? rendering everything in the 7th May assembly illegal including the appointment of Ganesan!! The illegitimate speaker also cannot convened for the next SLA sitting. UMNO BN knows this very well, resulting to their reluctance to convene the SLA in the near future, even when they thought that they have the upper hand to table the motion to ousted DS Nizar through the vote of no-confidence.
Well, I think I don’t have to comment on whether who started the idea of “lompat melompat” because morally “lompat” is wrong but allowed by the constitution. PR never question that. The arguement is that the manner they “lompat”. These 3 ADUNs has been bought and have cases in courts. In future, can u accept IF the 31 MPs “lompat” to PR?
Care to read the views of others at :option= http://www.harakahdaily.net/bm/index.php/arkib-liputan-khas/index.php?com_content&task=view&id=20407&Itemid=1
If you are really sincere to try to understand what is the difference between DS Anwar’s theory of 16th Sept and the unethical moved by PM Najib to grab the power in Perak, please read this : http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/21974/84
Petikan dari sumber
NIZAR ZAMBRY UMNO:Dun Perak Bubar Isnin Ini
Dun Perak Bubar Isnin Ini
Satu pengumuman besar dijangka dibuat pihak istana Perak Isnin depan yang mungkin mampu memecahkan kebuntuan politik yang melanda negeri itu dan seterusnya mengakhiri kemelut politik yang berpanjangan sejak tiga bulan lalu.
Menurut sumber pengumuman itu ada kena mengena dengan desakan rakyat Perak yang mahukan mandat mereka dikembalikan untuk memilih kerajaan pilihan mereka semula setelah Barisan Nasional mendalangi rampasan kuasa terhadap kerajaan sah Pakatan Rakyat 5 Februari lalu.
“Kemungkinan pihak istana mengumumkan berhubung pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak adalah besar memandangkan situasi kemelut politki di anatara Pakatan Rakyat dan BN nampaknya tidak ada jalan keluar.
“Desakan rakyat supaya DUN dibubarkan dan pilihan raya negeri diadakan mungkin sudah dipertimbangkan semasak-masaknya oleh pihak istana dan demi kebaikan, kemakmuran dan kestabilan negeri Perak langkah ini sajalah yang terbaik bagi mengatasi krisis tersebut,” sumber memberitahu TV Antara.
Sekiranya ini berlaku Perak akan menyaksikan pilihan raya negeri pertama setelah pilihan raya umum tahun lalu.
Pada PRU ke 12, Pakatan Rakyat memenangi 31 kerusi sementara BN pula mendapat 28 kerusi.
Perbuatan BN memujuk 3 Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat keluar daripada gagasan itu dan mengisytiharkan diri mereka sebagai ADUN bebas telah mencetuskan krisis politik yang paling buruk dalam sejarah moden Perak yang turut mengheret institusi raja, badan-badan kehakiman dan legislatif.
Beberapa perkembangan yang berlaku kebelakangani ini juga mungkin mempengaruhi pihak istana untuk memperkenankan pembubaran DUN.
Antara yang paling penting ialah senario persefahaman yang telah wujud di antara Pakatan Rakyat dan BN berkaitan jalan penyelesaian krisis politik Perak.
Beliau juga berkata isu sama ada DUN Perak akan dibubarkan atau tidak kini terletak ditangan Sultan.
Walaupun Perdana Menteri Najib Razak sebelum ini berkeras tidak mahu mengadakan pilihan raya baru negeri melalui pembubaran DUN namun kini beliau dilihat sudah berlembut dan mahu berdialog dengan Pakatan Rakyat.
Pakatan Rakyat pula atas dasar mahu melihat penyelesaian kemelut politik tersebut diatasi secara aman bersetuju untuk mengadakan perbincangan dengan BN tetapi prinsip pembubaran DUN tetap dipertahankan.
Ini kerana menurut Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim hak rakyat perlu dikembalikan semula jika amalan demokrasi sihat mahu diwujudkan di negera ini serta menolak budaya kedurjanaan politik.
Walaupun menurut perlembagaan pembubaran DUN adalah di atas nasihat Menteri Besar namum pensyarah undang-undang Universiti Islam Antaranbangsa Malaysia, Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari berkata Sultan mempunyai kuasa khas yang jarang digunakan yang membolehkan baginda membubarkan DUN selaku kedudukan sebagai Sultan.
“Dalam keadaan di mana sesuatu keadaan itu tidak lagi boleh diselesaikan melalui kompromi politik dan juga proses perundangan baginda Sultan boleh menggunakan “reserve power” baginda untuk membubarkan Dewan tanpa merujuk kepada Menteri Besar apatah lagi dalam keadaan di Perak sekarang yang mempunyai dua penyandang jawatan,” Prof Aziz berkata.
Diposting oleh BRIGED MP SEGAMBUT at Ahad, Mei 17, 2009
Labels: fikrah pemimpin, jahat dan fitnah, politik
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