Surat Dato' Tuan Ibrahim Kepada Sahabat Lama

Kepada sahabat lama Jamil Khair Baharom,
Semoga Allah memberkati mu, walau lama kita tak bersua. Semoga Allah melimpah belas kasihanNya ke atasmu.
Sekian, ingatan sahabat sementara hidup, kerana tiada pesanan di akhirat.
Zambry should stop being a “caveman” Mentri Besar of Flintstones era and wake up to the age of Internet and new media
May 1st, 2009Two online media reports on the preparations taken by the usurper Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir for the illegally-convened May 7 Perak State Assembly meeting expose the mentality not only of the Perak Barisan Nasional leaders but also of the handful of civil servants acting in cahoots with them.
The Malaysian Insider in its report “New media rules for May 7 Perak assembly”, reported that only 13 media organisations will be allowed to cover the Perak State Legislative Assembly when it is held on May 7.
The Malaysian Insider reported:
A media notice was sent out by the state Information Department to several media companies yesterday informing them of the tightened security measures.
The notice stated that only 13 media groups in the list would be allowed to cover the entire duration of the assembly from May 7 to 13.
The 13 listed are television stations RTM and BernamaTV, TV3 and newspapers The Star, New Straits Times, Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, China Press, Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, Tamil Namban, Tamil Nesan and national news agency Bernama.
The notice also limited the number of media workers to two people from each organisation: one reporter and the other a photographer.
The only exceptions made were to state-owned television stations RTM, BernamaTV and Umno-linked private station TV3, which are allowed to send in three people each.
Media organisations barred from covering the May 7 Perak State Assembly include Bahasa Malaysia papers like Sinar Harian, Metro, Kosmo; English daily the Sun, the Edge Financial Daily, the Malaysian Reserve; Chinese dailies like Guang Ming Daily, Kwong Wah Yit Poh, Oriental Daily; Tamil press like Makkal Osai; television stations like NTV7, NTV7 Chinese and 8TV Chinese.
All online media organisations are barred, including Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider, The NutGraph, Merdeka Review, Therocknews, etc. All foreign agencies and media, whether Reuters, AFP, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Jiji Press, CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera are also barred.
And a total ban on all bloggers - the quintessence of the new media! MORE…
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