da one ‘n only fat free blog, no colouring or preservatives added… Posted by: kevyeoh April

Posted by: kevyeoh April
Beware of strange
phone call - Littlegirl crying for help…
Here’s how this syndicate work. You receive a phone call, then you will hear a little girl’s voice crying for help, speaking in Mandarin calling out ‘Mama, quickly come to rescue me”.
And if you respond to them, they will act as if they have already kidnap your child and probably will proceed to ask for ransom.
This is a true case happening to a few of my colleagues already. So if you ever receive this kind of call, quickly hang up and do not talk to them any further.
Selamat datang ke Ipoh pada hari Khamis ini…7 Mei 2009.
Ada apa kat Ipoh? Macam-macam ada. Hari ini aku nak cerita sikit kepada kawan-kawan yang datang dari luar.
Sapa-sapa yang datang dari arah Selatan…sebelum sampai R&R Simpang Pulai..akan nampak perkataan “IPOH” diatas gunung. Itu tandanya..anda sudah memasuki Wilayah Ipoh.
Kalau nak seronok…keluar ikut tol Simpang Pulai…belok kanan dan pandu lah menuju Ipoh. Anda akan lalu dihadapan Hotel Hillcity. Kalau lapar…bolah singgah disebelah kanan jalan. Ada restoran jual nasi masakan kampung. Kalau masih kenyang…disebelah restoran tersebut ada banyak gerai-gerai menjual limau Tambun. Nak cuci tekak boleh…nak cuci mata boleh. Tatak sombong punya.
Lepas tu…pandi lagi sampai Medan Gopeng. Kat sini ada stesen bas. Sapa-sapa yang naik bas express…akan berhenti disini. Kalau ada yang nak ambil kawan yang datang menaiki bas…boleh tunggu disini. tapi lebih baik tunggu diluar…sebab kat dalam banyak sangat asap.
Kemudian…pandai-pandai la bawa kereta…kalau tak tau tanya kat orang. Kalau orang tanya nak pi mana…jawab..STESEN KERETAPI. Jangan kata SUK!! Naya hangpa kena halau ..suruh balik.
Kalau tak mau singgah tengok amoi jual limau tambun…jangan keluar kat Simpang Pulai! Tapi keluar selepas tol Ipoh Selatan. Sebaik saja keluar dari persimpangan tersebut memasuki pekan Ipoh…masuk kekanan menghala Stadium Perak. Dari Stadium Perak..pandu lagi menuju ke Hospital. Lepas tu tanya lah kat sapa…kat mana Taman DR. Jangan kata SUK!! nanti hangpa kena halau balik.
Sapa-sapa yang datang dari arah utara…keluar ikut jalan Kuala Kangsar. (Bukan Tol Kuala Kangsar!!) Dan pandu lah semahu anda…sehingga lah sampai kesatupersimpangan ‘Y’.Kalau terus..anda akan naik jejambat…kalau ambil kiri..menuju ke Hospital Ipoh. Kalau ada polis tanya nak pi mana…cakap nak pi hospital. Jejambat mungkin ditutup…jadi ambil lah jalan ke Hospital Ipoh…tapi anda boleh berehat kat taman DR.
Pasai apa perkataan SUK diharamkan? Sebab ianya sudah diambil alih oleh kerajaan haram. Apabila kerajaan haram merampas kuas…semuanya diharamkan. nak masuk jalan Datok Panglima Bukit gantang pun akan diharamkan pada hari tersebut. Tak payah cakap SUK..yang tu dah tergolong dalam najis mutawageli.
Anda boleh park kereta kat Stesen Keretapi…kat Masjid Negeri..kat Padang Bandaran ataupun kat Taman DR. Lepas tu berjalan kaki ke Bangunan SUK.
Ada apa kat SUK?…Yang ni paling best. Upacara menghalalkan yang haram.
Upacara ini tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah Perak sebelum ini…dan tidak mungkin akan berlaku lagi sepanjang hayat kita!. 7 mei 2009 merupakan satu hari paling bersejarah dalam sejarah Perak apabila satu kerajaan haram akan di isytiharkan menjadi halal. Anda tidak mahu menjadi sebahagian dari sejarah? Rugi…jangan menyesal nanti.
Anda boleh bawa anak-anak…tapi jangan bawa anak kecil sudah la. Susah nak tukar lampin…nak tukar pampers. Kalau anak yang sudah boleh berlari…kira OK la.
7 mei 2009 merupakan hari yang paling bersejarah…apabila semua jalan-jalan menghala SUK akan ditutup…sempena penghalalan kerajaan haram.
7 mei 2009 merupakan hari yang paling bersejarah…yang turut disertai oleh perarakan ratusan…mungkin ribuan FRU membuat lintas hormat dihadapan rakyat…tanda kekuasaan mereka.
7 mei 2009 merupakan hari yang paling bersejarah…kerana suara rakyat akan dibangsatkan.
Mampuih pi dengan demokrasi. Mampuih pi dengan hak rakyat. Mampuih pi dengan kuasa rakyat.
7 mei 2009 merupakan hari dimana Umno dan Barisan Nasional menggunakan semua jentera yang ada untuk menghalalkan rampasan kuasa haram mereka.
Ini bukan soal Nizar. Ini bukan soal Anwar. Ini bukan soal Najib. Ini soal rakyat. Hak rakyat telah dirampas oleh Umno dan Barisan Nasional melalui rampasan kuasa haram.
Rakyat telah dirogol…diliwat…dan dibakul sampahkan oleh kepimpinan Umno dan Barisan Nasional.
Sekiranya anda masih lagi mempunyai maruah..masih lagi mempunyai harga diri…datanglah ke Ipoh pada 7 mei 2009…hari Khamis..seawal 7 pagi. Dan kita tunjukkan kepada Umno dan Barisan Nasional..bahawa kita masih lagi mempunyai harga diri. Kita tunjukkan kepada Umno dan Barisan Nasional bahawa kita tidak rela diperkosa..dan dirampas hak kita.
Jumpa di Ipoh!!! 7 Mei 2009. hari Khamis..Jam 7 pagi.
Petikan dari
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has declared that “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is the overarching philosophy of his government.
However, in less than a month there are enough instances to show that Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is as hollow as the “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” slogan of the Abdullah premiership or the “Amanah, Bersih, Cekap” slogan of the Mahathir administration.
The unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak, overthrowing the legal and legitimate Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin and foisting on the people of Perak the usurper and illegitimate Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir violates two of the three Najib mottos of “1Malaysia. People First”.
How can there be “1Malaysia” when Najib orchestrated the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak?
How can Najib talk about “People First” when he does not respect the mandate of the people of Perak in the March general election last year in electing a Pakatan Rakyat state government helmed by Nizar as Mentri Besar?
What “People First” is Najib talking about when his unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab is based on the betrayal of the people’s hopes and trust by three “political frogs” who in the past three months dare not even visit their constituencies or show their face publicly. This is “People Last” rather than “People First”!
The least Najib should do if he is not to dishonour his slogan of “People First” is to return the mandate to Perakians – which is why we have consistently called for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and the holding of Perak state general elections.
All eyes are now focussed on May 7, when the Perak State Assembly is convened illegally by the usurper Mentri Besar. Many are asking what would happen on May 7, whether there would be chaos or greater infamy in the three-month-old Perak political and constitutional crisis and stalemate, which has produced two Mentris Besar , a renegade State Assembly clerk and the Democracy Tree!
Blatant and flagrant attempts are being made by the usurper Mentri Besar and his excos to clothe the illegal BarisanNasional state government with a veneer of legitimacy.
I advise Zambry not to rewrite history, in particular what happened on February 4, to falsely claim that Nizar had lost majority support of Perak State Assembly members to justify his appointment as the usurper Mentri Besar.
Zambry had misled the judiciary when he asked for Federal Court intervention to interpret whether Perak Sultan Azlan Shah has the right not to accede to Nizar’s request for the dissolution of the Perak assembly, when Nizar “ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the assembly”.
This is the perversion of the truth. The indisputable fact is that Nizar had never, even up to now, “ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the assembly” – and this why the coup d’etat in Perak orchestrated by Najib to topple Nizar as Mentri Besar is unethical, undemocratic, illegal and constitutional and why Nizar continues to be regarded by Perakians and Malaysians as the legitimate Mentri Besar and Zambry the illegitimate and usurper MB.
Article 16 (6) of the Perak Constitution states: “ If the Menteri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council.”
Article 16(6) never came into play because Nizar never “ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly”, when he sought an audience with the Perak Sultan to dissolve the State Assembly or when Zambry was purportedly appointed as the Mentri Besar.
Let us revisit the pertinent events surrounding the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak three months ago.
On February 3 night, the Pakatan Rakyat leadership at both the national and Perak state levels decided that the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government, though commanding a majority in the State Assembly, should seek the dissolution of the Assembly to avoid political instability and uncertainty.
On the morning of February 4, around 8 am, Nizar as Perak Mentri Besar sought an audience with the Perak Sultan to request a dissolution of the Perak Assembly.
The request for an audience with the Sultan for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly was made by Nizar not because he had lost the confidence of the majority of the Assembly members, as to bring Article 16(6) of the Perak State Constitution into play.
Nizar sought an audience with the Sultan to request the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly while still commanding a majority in the State Assembly to end the political instability and uncertainty - and the question of Nizar losing the post of Mentri Besar if the Sultan rejects the request for dissolution did not arise at all.
However, Nizar was unable to get an audience from the Perak Sultan until some nine hours later at 5 p.m.
In the meantime, Najib, as the Umno Perak Chairman was in the thick of the plot to engineer the defection of three “political frogs” from Pakatan Rakyat, claiming in a media conference in Putrajaya after 5 p.m. the same day that the Barisan Nasional had the support of the majority members of the Perak State Assembly – a claim that was never tested by a no confidence motion against Nizar in the Assembly.
If the Perak Sultan had granted an audience to Nizar in the morning of Feb. 4 and refused his request for dissolution of the State Assembly, it would have been crystal clear that any claim by Najib that the Barisan Nasional had the majority support of the Perak State Assembly members would have to be tested by a no confidence motion against Nizar in the Assembly, and the question of Nizar having vacated the post of Mentri Besar just because he had failed to get the Sultan’s consent for the dissolution of the Assembly would not have arisen.
Was the Perak Sultan privy to information that Najib was engineering the defection of three “political frogs” from the Pakatan Rakyat and was this the reason why Nizar’s request for an audience with the Sultan to seek the dissolution of the State Assembly was stalled for some nine hours from about 8 am to 5 pm?
The answers to these two questions would throw important light on the events of the Perak political and constitutional crisis on Feb. 4 as it has a vital bearing on a cornerstone of our system of constitutional monarchy – the political neutrality of the Rulers.
Be that as it may, it is indisputable that when Nizar sought the consent of the Sultan to dissolve the Perak Assembly, he commanded the support of the majority of the State Assembly members.
In the circumstances, Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution did not apply when the Sultan refused Nizar’s request for dissolution of the Perak Assembly the next day.
Although it may be contended that by Feb. 5, the Barisan Nasional had the “numbers” to claim majority support of the Perak State Assembly with the defection of the three “political frogs” from Pakatan Rakyat, such a claim is challengeable on at least two grounds:
• The acceptance of the letters of resignation of the three “political frogs” by the Speaker, V. Sivakumar; and
• The established constitutional and parliamentary practice that the determination of whether the Mentri Besar has lost the support of the majority members of the Assembly is by way of a motion of no confidence in the Assembly, which was never done. In fact, the Tree Assembly on March 3 reiterated the Assembly’s confidence in Nizar as Perak Mentri Besar.
Zambry has no cause, therefore, to rewrite history of Feb. 4 to claim that Nizar had lost the confidence of the majority of the Assembly members when he asked for the dissolution of the Assembly on Feb. 4 or when the Sultan rejected his request on Feb. 5.
There is no constitutional provision for the Perak Sultan to dismiss the Mentri Besar or to appoint a new Mentri Besar when there has been no resignation from the incumbent Mentri Besar, and this is why Nizar continues as the rightful and legitimate Perak Mentri Besar as there is no dissolution of the Assembly and no motion of no-confidence had been passed against him.
Zambry is only demonstrating that he is a usurper “People Last” and not “1Malaysia” Perak Mentri Besar in insisting on the charade of a May 7 State Assembly meeting, based on the support of three “political frogs” and the illegal convening of the Assembly by a renegade State Assembly clerk!
(Speech at the DAP Public Forum at Hotel Excelsior, Ipoh on Saturday, 2nd May 2009)
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